Benefits, risks, and limitations of cervical cancer screening with an HPV test
Cervical cancer is easier to treat when it is found early. Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing can help you better understand your risk for cervical cancer. This test looks for high-risk strains of HPV, which are linked to the development of cervical cancer.
Color’s HPV test can be done at-home, when it’s convenient for you.
Color’s HPV test can tell you if you have an active infection with a high risk strain of HPV.
Cervical cancer is typically easier to treat when it is detected early. HPV testing can help you learn about your risk for cervical cancer.
Because HPV testing looks at cervical cells, it is only approved for people assigned female at birth with a cervix. People who have had surgery to remove their cervix, or vaginoplasty with neo-cervix should speak with their physician about their cervical cancer risk.
The presence of high risk HPV does not mean you have cervical cancer. In fact, most high risk HPV infections will clear on their own. However, the detection of high risk HPV is an important warning sign for cervical cancer.
Regardless of your result, positive or negative, it is recommended that you have an in-person cervical exam, which may include another HPV or Pap test.
This test detects only strains of HPV that most commonly increase risk for cervical cancer. It is possible that you have a strain of HPV that could not be detected by this test.
Like any screening test, false negatives and false positives are possible. A false negative result may mean that you have an HPV infection and not know it until your next screening.